
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Political Philosophy and United States Essay

1. 1 Trace the origins of Ameri terminate presidency What is a commonwealth? How does a state differ from other forms of presidency in both mulish and theoretical terms? What requirements must be met for a disposal to be called a state? Which of the democratic ideals do you foresee as non being achieved in Iraq, and why? Will Iraq still be considered a democracy without this ideal? From the other forms of government mentioned in this chapter, argue for a better form of government for Iraq than a democracy. 1. 2 Show how European political thought provided the theoretical foundations of American government.1 Can socialist economy coexist with democracy? Is extensive economic emancipation essential to democracy? Can the unequal economic outcomes of capitalism be considered undemocratic? In his 1651 Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes observed that without government, life would be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. Justify his argument. With this justification, justify the intr oduction of government as it presently operates in the fall in States forthwith. What demographic and socioeconomic factors do you think are related to democracy? Wealth? pedagogics? A homogeneous population?Can you find countries that dont meet your expectations? Does democracy require equality of income and wealth? Does absolute majority triumph undermine freedom and exist individual rights? What was James Madisons view, and what is your reaction? 1. 3 Describe American political culture, and identify the staple tenets of American democracy 1 treat the theories of elitism and pluralism as explanations of how American government works. Harold Lasswells book, Politics Who Gets What, When, and How, can be seen as associated with the a good deal-made statement Its not what you know, but who you know. How do the two different statements relate to apiece other, as well as to present-day political realities? Americans often cause a healthy cynicism of government, whether massi ve or small. Identify the reasons for such beliefs and how government should attempt to address these. Can a few elite finish makers control all important decisions made in the United States today? Some leaders are made by climbing the melt of success rather than being born into power classes. How does this approach canvas to elitism versus the approach defined as pluralism? How does democracy in America comparing to democracy in other parts of the world?What are the al close to important sources of stability in American government? What are the most important forces for change in American government? Suppose the United States passed a constitutional amendment requiring all eligible citizens to vote, what would be the advantages and disadvantages of this measure? Do you agree with the statement, Equality, individualism, and openness are the crucial values of American political science in the twenty-first century? Although there is widespread behave for the concepts of freedom and liberty in America, there have been many intrusions into basic rights in American history.Can you explain why we find such discrepancies in an area where we also find almost complete public support for the general principle? 1. 4 Explain the functions of American government 1 What are near of the goals of terrorist acts? How can terrorism affect the paradox of democracy? How can/should democracies respond? Must security come at the expense of liberties? How can democracies, particularly the United States, deal with peeled restrictions imposed as a result of terrorist acts/threats? Identify the roles of government and the concept of public goods. argon there any other macrocosms, other than government, which might be charged with performing the roles of government? Is such a consideration realistic? What can individual American citizens do to influence the actions and policies of their government? Name some ways in which government policies influences your normal work/schoo l day. subject field the statements of President George Bush on the necessity to encourage the spread of democracy in the Middle East. Is this a good goal for the United States? Is it a practical goal? 1. 5 Analyze the changing characteristics of the American public.1 Define and discuss politics in the pedigree setting, the health-care setting, and the educational institution setting. What are the similarities and differences between politics in government and in the set settings? Discuss the argument that most of American life is organized in anti-democratic fashion. In the family, the school, the factory, the office, and the church, decisions are made by the powerful, without much concern for majority opinion. Discuss ways whereby more Americans would be more likely to take part in U. S. political life.Use the beginning of the twenty-first century to find your thinking about how should we be governed. What are the strengths of our democracy in the new millennium? Our weaknes ses? Why? And what should we do about them? Todays Americans often question the American daydream. What is the American Dream and how could you go about proving that the Dream is still alive or that the Dream is dying? What types of evidence would you need and where might you find it? Discuss the idea that if more citizens could attend college, departed democracy would be strengthened in America.Is this assumption true or not and why? Given the remarkable diversity in America, how is the field able to function as smoothly as it does? Does this diversity threaten to make the country less governable now than in the past? 1. 6 Assess the role of political ideology in do American politics 1 Think about the role and surface of government as central to contemporary American politics. Is the scope of government too broad, too narrow, or just about right? Discuss, utilize contemporary examples, what is meant by government being too big. Do you disaccord with what too big is? Why? W hy dont Americans basin themselves into social classes? Why hasnt the Communist Party caught on in America? What are both the weaknesses and strengths of direct democracy? Assume that millions of American televisions could be hooked up to a centralized computer placement that in turn could register instantaneously the publics views on issues (yes or no responses). Would this be a plus or negative for American democracy? 1. 7 Characterize changes in Americans attitudes toward and expectations of government.1 Periodically, well-mannered disobedience has been used to reform government processes, procedures, and even law. In the dead of often-identified needs of society, what subjects today appear to justify civil disobedience? Today, large proportions of Americans believe that most or all politicians are corrupt, that government serves the involution of the few, and that government is dominated by the wealthy and powerful. Evaluate these statements. Discuss whether or not the tra gic events of September 11, 2001 changed the increasingly detached behavior of Americans.Do you feel the events of September 11, 2001 changed the way Americans view immigrants and/or foreign visitors/tourists? Should face be the official language of the United States, and should all governmental business be conducted in English? Why, or why not? Discuss what could be done, either by the media or by politicians themselves, to refurbish the run into of elected officials today vis-a-vis the public. How can the idea of politics as an honorable profession be inculcated, perhaps even in contemporary American youth?

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